Special attention is paid to the study of fabrics, which are the focal point of our research. after undergoing special treatment tests are divided and cataloged In order to control the response of the fabric according to the treatments which will be subjected and to anticipate any problems in phase of realization of the prototype and then industrialization.

The ongoing research has led us over time to collect fabrics characterized by the great technical content, superior quality and unique flavor, key features in the development of garments that respect the requirements for our standards of quality and uniqueness.

In collaboration with leading companies we develop exclusive fabrics for our customers, close cooperation and partnerships allow us to have quick response times even in the test phase, allowing us to evaluate all possible problems and study and develop a product from a "vertical design" point of view, developing fabrics based on styles designed and vice versa.

The archive also contains a wide selection of collection fabrics of the best Italian companies that represent the essence of culture and tradition that has always distinguished the true value of Made in Italy.

Over time have collected countless dyeing tests, selected and organized for fabric, color and treatment.